September in Preview

September was a thirty-days long goodbye to summer, to the season that left everybody both happy and weary of the warm, humid weather and the exhausting but thrilling adventures.*

– Lea Malot

I thought I was over the back-to-school hype, going into my senior year of undergrad, but it turns out having a set schedule, enforced deadlines, and (limited) social interaction is really good for my mental health.

Huh. Who’d’ve thunk? (Though it’s only been a couple of days so I reserve the right to retract this statement and pretend I never said it.)

*Strikethrough mine. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t have any “thrilling” adventures this summer.


Reading & Blogging


  • Create CV/master resume.
  • Update pediatric club website.


  • 30 day workout challenge, including stretching.
  • Get back into piano; relearn the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack. (Stretch goal: memorize as many of the songs as possible.)
    • Step 1: Figure out at least a few times during the week that I can play without disturbing my family.
  • Journal at least 4x per week.

Anticipated Book Releases

ARCs I Have


Waiting for Release Day

Anticipated Events

Yesterday was my first day of classes for the fall 2020 semester; it was pretty chill, minus some technical difficulties and some frankly outrageous lapses in conference-call etiquette. PSA: If it somehow still hasn’t sunk in, for the love of academia, mute yourself when you join the session and stay muted while it’s not your turn to talk. Pretty please, I’m begging you.

September is club recruitment month, meaning virtual involvement fair and general interest meetings; those are slightly less exciting, more stressful as a club officer — I worry that I’ll say and/or do something to put off potential new members, though as far as I know it hasn’t actually happened yet.

I’m hoping to set up a biweekly/monthly hangout with my friends, though that hinges on them actually responding to logistics messages and not just saying “omg yes that sounds awesome I’m in!” (I swear, wrangling your friends is so much harder than wrangling your club because you have no formal authority. But worth it, of course.)

  • Do you have a favorite quote about this month or time of year?
  • What goals and plans do you have for this month?
  • Which upcoming releases are you most excited to read?

5 thoughts on “September in Preview

  1. Goodluck with this month’s goals xx ❤️

    Ahh i’ve been dying to read matt haig’s new book too! Hopefully the rest of your arcs will be more enjoyable than the ones for September.. although the 2 three-stars rating aren’t too bad, the others 3 being DNFs sounds kinda meh 😅

    Nothing too too exciting for me either in September .. which is kinda wierd as I had a LOT happening in Late July/August with the end of my driving class. And i’ll start to work more evenings- which I actually enjoy as i’m a night person anyway! But then I feel guilty to not be on everyone else « schedule » and live at night 😂🤦🏽‍♀️


  2. All the best for your goals! I swear people who don’t mute themselves in class are so annoying, and also those people who keep typing in the chat box and distracting the prof.
    Ohh, setting hangouts with friends sounds fun! Wrangling them will def be hard but I think I’m going to steal your idea and try to set up something with my friends as well!


  3. Surprisingly we seen to have similar experiences! My classes started last week and like you said, it’s been great to have a schedule and get back to learning even though it’s sorta hectic. And yeah we have a clubs fair the coming weekend but me being a club head it’s the last thing I want. Especially when my club is a mess with me being the only one who wants to work for it :/

    Good luck with your online classes and other goals!


  4. I relate to the whole wrangling of friends, although I no longer have a friendship group to wrangle like in secondary, I remember trying to organise anything was just…a waste of time >.> This month is definitely going to test how well I can regulate my energy levels, in terms of it depleting by constantly being around people and doing things. I went back to work as school restarted and I’m also in the process of sorting out work placement where I work which means…more hours spent with children that drain my energy in the name of being able to pass my teaching assistant course sobs I’ve already begun planning october’s spreads as a way to decompress from work because the kids are already trying my patience.

    Sending you all the good vibes for online classes, and lots of patience because we know people will not remember to mute the mic >.> ❤


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