The Coffee Book Tag

Confession: I don’t actually like the taste of coffee. My parents and many of my friends are coffee drinkers, so I’m used to, even fond of, the smell β€” in fact, it does make me feel more awake and alert, though it might just be the placebo effect. And I do associate it with school and especially finals week, so it seemed like a good time to pull out this tag from the wonderful Arya @ Arya’s Fangirl Lexicon (originally created by BangadyBangz) to celebrate being done with my exams!

BLACK: Name a series that’s tough to get into but has hardcore fans.
Don’t come for me, but I have literally never understood all the hype surrounding Throne of Glass. (Or SJM in general, though admittedly I enjoyed ACOTAR.) I didn’t enjoy the tropes, the characters β€” and especially not the love triangle. Of course reading is a subjective experience, et cetera, so I’m not saying it’s a bad series … just absolutely not for me.


PEPPERMINT MOCHA: Name a book that gets more popular during the winter or a festive time of year.
I’m not sure if other people over a certain age [who don’t have and/or work with children] are actually rereading How the Grinch Stole Christmas and The Polar Express every year, but I sure am! The books and movies always make me feel warm and cozy and benevolent, all that “holiday spirit” jazz, and it just doesn’t feel right not to revisit these wonderful timeless tales when December comes around.


HOT CHOCOLATE: What is your favorite children’s book?
I have read a lot of children’s books, so I’m actually gonna pick two! (Everyone seems to know Dr. Seuss and Roald Dahl, so as much as I adore their works I want to recommend others.) The first is one that ages really well, as you naturally understand it better each time you read it: The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. It’s delightfully punny, respects the reader’s intelligence, and even if you don’t understand all the allusions it’s still a great time.

The second exemplifies the happy simplicity I associate with childhood and (early) childhood reads: Olivia by Ian Falconer. The art is charming, the titular Olivia is so incredibly relatable (no matter your age, if you can connect with your inner child you’ll probably recognize yourself in Olivia), and it’s just such a perfect slice-of-life story.


STARBUCKS: Name a book you see everywhere.
It took me a while to think of a book that I hear more about than others, that even the non-bookish people in my life have mentioned or read, but On the Come Up seems to be living up to the hype for most people. Library hold lines couldn’t keep me from this one, even though I unfortunately forgot to place my hold before release date so the wait was pretty dismaying … but I’m so excited to (eventually) start it.


THAT HIPSTER COFFEE SHOP: Give a book by an indie author a shoutout.
My absolute favorite #ReviewPit read was We Are the Catalyst by Tash McAdam. Which reminds me that my review is way overdue, but I just have so many feelings about this book that I’m not sure words can do justice to the incredible experience that was this book. And the author sent me a review copy of the prequel / first book (which you don’t have to read before this one), so I’m super excited to dig into that!


OOPS! I ACCIDENTALLY GOT DECAF: Name a book you were expecting more from.
Although I was totally seduced by the unique premise and vibrant cover, The Hectic Headspace of Abigail Squall by Scott O’Neill was honestly pretty disappointing. Unfortunately I found it filled with casual ableism, sexist archetypes, and oversimplification of complex sociopolitical controversies; I couldn’t muster much sympathy for any of the characters; and even the plot fell short of my hopes.


THE PERFECT BLEND: Name a book or series that was both bitter and sweet but ultimately satisfying.
I can’t get over the Wayward Children series, with all the different worlds and vivid, diverse characters. There are sad and sweet moments galore in each installment so it definitely fits this prompt … and I absolutely recommend it!

Tagging: Haley β€’ Ruby β€’ Anisa β€’ Kristina β€’ Emma β€’ and, as always, everyone else who’s interested!

12 thoughts on “The Coffee Book Tag

  1. Ooh, I love coffee. I might have to give this tag ago! I’m the same with SJM. I read Throne of Glass, and it was ok, but really didn’t understand the obsession.

    Liked by 1 person

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